about me

Nice to Meet you
Hi, my name is Seth. I love meeting passion driven people who strive to push themselves everyday. People who aren’t afraid of the world and are willing to take a leap of faith to progress in their own lives.
Most people know deep down what it takes to achieve their dreams but are too afraid of the unknown to actually make it happen. I am guilty of this myself. One thing I have found helpful is talking with individuals who are going through the similar obstacles in their own lives.
If you can relate to this in anyway or just want to talk more about it. Reach out and we can story swap. Best way to get connected will be through my instagram @thereelsethmartin which is also linked below. Shoot me a DM and we’ll talk soon!
Upcoming projects
PROJECT WARRIOR! Check out the PW landing page here on my website to read about this awesome cause.
I will be attempting to run 100 miles in hopes to raise money for post 9/11 veterans. The organization I am partnered with is called Warriors and Quiet Waters.
If you are at all interesting in helping support this cause, please sign up via the sign up sheet on the PW landing page.